Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Office Office

Office is a veritable battle field.You never know what is coming your way.sometimes I wonder if its a wise thing ,refraining from plunging headlong into the black depths of Office politics.I guess I'am not cut out for it.Maybe that is why i get maimed all the time.
Where do you draw the line?When do you stop ignoring the arrows and pull out your Grenade Launcher?Is it really worth?
When someone attacks you,you can attack back.its self defence.Justified.But when someone greets you with a pleasant "hi" in the morning and gets back to the death trap he's building for you and you know it, what do you do. Sadly my smile twist's a bit ,my greetings lose its fervour, and the sunlight streaming though the office windows seems a little less bright.

There are People who can smile and greet convincingly and get on with their lives.Kudos to them.If there is some corporate training where people with excessively expressive faces which reflects all the emotions inside can learn how to cover up, i would volunteer immediately.
People say that when you have a handicap you will have some other senses sharpened to balance.I'am still searching for that sharpened sense. But more than anything i'am searching for that deep wisdom which clarifies and simplifies the things happening to you.The wisdom which lent itself to famous quotes like "the meek shall inherit the world", "the one who raises the sword falls by it" and "what goes around comes around"!!And the search continues till vindication comes.

Me Againts Relationships

Relationships are not easy,as scores of movies and mushy novels would testify.over the years i have had lots of time(on account of being a self professed loner) ,to ponder why they are so difficult.I have come to the conclusion that its difficult mostly for people who think a lot.

Ayear back a marwari friend of mine got married. He was all of 22 years.His parents chose the girl for him.He was educated and sauve and(as superficial as it may seem) spoke english with the fluency inherent of a city lad.I met his wife and was shocked to see that she had the sophistication (or the lack of it), one would associate with women from rural North India, majenta lipstick and all. (*i know i am being rabidly biased and politically incorrect as it can be. sorry if any one is offended but im just sounding my thoughts)i wondered how they can have even remotely common interests. But there was'nt even a trace of regret or "I've been forced into this marriage by my parents for cold marwari moolah" kind of look on his face. He was genuinely happy. Over the year we have lost touch. But i'm sure he is just as happy as ever.Was it genuine trust in his parents to find the perfect match for him that made him say yes.Or was it total lack of ability to articulate his thoughts regarding what sort of a life partner he wants.

Cut to the present. Here i am educated, articulated, knows exactly what i want in a life partner right down to how her relationship with my family should be,And in all these well informed-ness i fail to see the possibilty of a relationship working on a not so perfect terms.